Web Server Hacking Methodology

Web Server Pen Testing

Identify the target

= internet, newsgroups, bulletin boards etc

=social networking, dumpster driving

=Whois, traceroute, active whois, etc

Web Server Pen Testing continued:

=use tools such as netcraft and httprecon

=Use tools such as HTTtrackm webcopier pro

=use tools such as Nmap

=use automated tools such as Dirbuster

=identify weaknesses in a network, tools: Acunetix, web inspect, nessus

=to pass malicious data to a vuln app that includes the data in an http resonse header

= to force the web servers cahce to flush its actual cache conent ad senda specially crafted request, which will be stored in cache

= to gain unauthorized access

= to capture valid session cookies and IDs, Use tools such as Burp Suite, Firesheep, JHiJack, to automate session hijacking

=to access sensitive info by intercepting and altering comms between an end-user and web servers

Perform web app pen testing:

=Use tools such as webalizer AWstats, Ktmatu relax, to examine web server logs

=Use tools such as metasploit, w3af to exploit frameworks

Web server pen testing steps in full: