Configure, verify and troubleshoot Interswitch connectivity:

Trunk ports:


Dynamic Trunking protocol is used to automatically negotiate the state of switchports


VLAN trunk protocol ( VTP) is used to automatically update VLAN configuration on a LAN network of switches



- a way to tag vlans on an ethernet frame


Native VLAN:


Configure and verify VLANS:


Important notes:


What happens if I do not use trunks ?

2 vlans (different) even if on same switch will not communication directly with one another, but can it be done ?

Can it be done without a router ?

Inter VLAN routing:

Native VLAN:

- If you are using 802.1q you will have something called native vlan


-Once you establish Trunks and VLANs everything that passes these two switches It will have a VLAN ag (ie VLAN 4, VLAN 5, etc) EXCEPT when you are sending data to the native vlan


-Native VLAN is essentially traffic that is untagged


Another note:

- Vlan 1 = is your default cannot change it or remove it, this is your native vlan


- Vlan.dat is stored in FLASH, not NVRAM needs to be manually deleted if you reset switch to factory settings.


- Vlans between 1002- 1005 are legacy


- Always hard set trunks for security reasons


- Do not leave ports on default vlan, security risk, create another vlan (call it 99 or 999) and move all ports to it – also do a shutdown on them so they cannot be accessed


Connecting switches: