
Generate SSH key on Github

create a repo:

new local repo

-git init (project name)

download existing repo  

- git clone <url>

view your repo: 

list new or modified files not committed yet:

-git status

working with branches:

list all localb branches

- git branch

list local  and remote branches 

- git branch -av

switch to a branch, also updates working history

- git checkout <branch name>

delete a branch 

- git branch-d <branch name>

merge branchA into branchB

- git checkout branchB

-git merge branchA

make changes:

ready to commit

- git add <filename>

stage all changes, ready for commit

git add .

commit all staged with message (version history)

git commit -m <"message">

reset all to last commit

git reset --hard


latest changes from origin

 - git fetch

fetch latest changes from origin and merge

 - git pull

push all local changes to origin

-git push