
Windows Enumeration:

Users - Guest, Admin, Local ser, Network Ser, System, Current User

Groups - Anon Login, Batch, Creator Own, Everyone, Interactive, Network Restricted, Self, Service, Windows, Terminal

Security Identifiers (SID) Windows:


Services and Ports:

Commonly Exploited Services:


with SNMP:

Unix and Linux:

SMTP enumeration:

Techniques for enumeration:

NetBIOS Enumeration:

nbstat utility:


-a (+Remotename) - Displays netbios name table of remote computer

-A (+IP add) - Display netbios name table of remote computer

-c - Lists contents of netbious name cache, the table of netbious name and their resolved IP addresses

-n - Displays the names registered locally by netbios apps such as server and redirector

-R - Purges the name cache and reloades all #PRE entries from LMHOSTS

-RR -Releases and registers all names with name server

-s - Lists netbios sessions able coverting dest ip add to comp netbios name

-S - Lists current netbios sessions and their state with IP add

Enumeration: Tools and Usage for different services

Memcached recon:

NTP queries:

IRC servers:

SMTP servers:

SMTP fake email:

SSL connections:

SMB server:

NMBlookup Tool

Find NetBIOS name of computer -  nmblookup -H  <ip>

SMBClient Tool

RPCclient Tool 



VNC server: