Windows Enumeration:
Users - Guest, Admin, Local ser, Network Ser, System, Current User
Groups - Anon Login, Batch, Creator Own, Everyone, Interactive, Network Restricted, Self, Service, Windows, Terminal
Security Identifiers (SID) Windows:
- SIDs start with S1-5-21
- Admin account ends 500
- Guess account ends 501
- UID is + (positive) number above 500 for user
- Below 100 for system accounts
Services and Ports:
- 53 - DNS
- 135,137,139 - RPC end point mapper, NBNS, SMB over NETBIOS
- 445 - SMB over TCP
- 161 - SNMP
- 162 - SNMP Trap
- 389 - LDAP
- 3268 - Global Catelog Service
- 25 - SMTP
- 500 - ISAKMP/IKE
- 5060,5061 - SIP
Commonly Exploited Services:
- NetBIOS - Null session
- DNS Zone Transfers
with SNMP:
- Management information base (MIB)
Unix and Linux:
- Finger Commands
- RPCinfo
- Showmount
- LDAP and Directory Service Enumeration
- NTP Enumeration
SMTP enumeration:
- Using Telnet - VRFY, EXPN, RCPT to
- SMTP Relay
Techniques for enumeration:
- Extract Usernames using Email IDs
- Extract info using default passwords
- Brute force Active Directory
- Extract infro using DNS Zone Transfer
- Extract user groups from Windows
- Extract User name using SNMP
NetBIOS Enumeration:
nbstat utility:
-a (+Remotename) - Displays netbios name table of remote computer
-A (+IP add) - Display netbios name table of remote computer
-c - Lists contents of netbious name cache, the table of netbious name and their resolved IP addresses
-n - Displays the names registered locally by netbios apps such as server and redirector
-R - Purges the name cache and reloades all #PRE entries from LMHOSTS
-RR -Releases and registers all names with name server
-s - Lists netbios sessions able coverting dest ip add to comp netbios name
-S - Lists current netbios sessions and their state with IP add
Enumeration: Tools and Usage for different services
Memcached recon:
- Find number of current items on a server - memcstat --server=<ip>
- Find name of keys present on server - memcdump --servers=<ip>
NTP queries:
- Current time - ntpq -c "rv 0 clock" <ip>
- Pool servers used - ntpq <ip>, Ipeers
- Current time - ntpdate -q <ip>
IRC servers:
- IRCSnapShot - dir: cd /tools/ircsnapshot, run: python ircsnapshot.py
SMTP servers:
- User enum - stmp-user-enum -U <path> -t <ip>
SMTP fake email:
- Tool: SendEmail
- Syntax: sendemail -f admin:attacker.abc -t root@victom1 -s <ip> -u fakemail -m "hi root" -o tls=no
SSL connections:
- connect server using POP3 over SSL (pop3s)
- openssl s-client -connect <ip> : <port>
SMB server:
NMBlookup Tool
Find NetBIOS name of computer - nmblookup -H <ip>
SMBClient Tool
- Check if anonconnection allowed - smbclient -L <ip> -N
- (allowed if shares are displayed without password requirements)
- directory inside public share: smbclient //<ip>/public -N, ls
- get flag - smbclient //<ip>/public -N, ls, cd <folder>, ls, get <file>, exit
RPCclient Tool
- Information: -N = do not ask for password
- determine if anon allowed - rpcclient -U "" -N <ip>
- find OS of server - rpcclient -U "" -N <ip>, srvinfo
- Lit all users on samba - rpcclient -U "" -N <ip>, enumdomusers
- Find SID of user admin - rpcclient -U "" -N <ip> , lookupnames <admin>
- Find domain groups exist - rpcclient -U "" -N <ip>, enumdomgroups
- Find OS version - enum4linux -o <ip>
- List all users on samba - enum4linux -U <ip>
- List all available shares - enum4linux -U <ip>, enum4linux -U <ip>
- List of SID of unix users - enum4linux -r -u "admin" -p <pw> <ip>
- smbmap -H <ip> -u <un> -p <pw>
VNC server: