netstat = Displays active TCP connections and ports listening
netstat -a = active conecctions
netstat -no = displays top active connections
netstat -ano = combo of above
netstat -r = routing table
Flags: -t -u -w -x =shows active TCP,UDP,RAW and Unix Socket connections- can combine with -a flag
-s = displays statistics
-p = Tcp traffic
-f = FQDN format
-e = network interface statistics
-t(number of seconds) = time and number of seconds update
netstat -an (time seconds) | find "port number" = checks every (seconds) and prints results if process start listening on Port 80 Enables us to watch the traffic with this command
Verifies IP level connecivity to another TCP/IP computer by sending an ICMP.
ping, ping -t = continous
ping -n (no. of pings) -l (no of bytes) = ping using number of echo counts and size of bytes
Tracert and route:
Tracert determines route to a destination by sending ICMP echo packets in these packets, Tracert uses varying IP TTL values.
Route displays and modifies the enteries in local IP routing table which helps understand the topology of a network
tracert -h (number) = specify max hops
route print = similar to netstat -r shows routing table
ARP & whoami:
arp -a = Displays staticand dynamic entries to ARP cache table
arp -av =as above but verbose mode
arp -a -N = further details about specified interface IP